Sure you can lose weight if all you do is eat bacon and butter but are you really being healthy?
Being healthy, energized, and nutritionally optimized means your diet needs to have proper levels of vitamins and minerals.

I’ve come across so many people think that being on the ketogenic diet will lead to a ton of micronutrient deficiencies
you’re restricting carbohydrates from your diet. But this is only true if you are consuming foods with little to no micronutrient density,
regardless of what diet your on.

Many people fall into the trap of eating tons of butter and bacon and hoping for the best. Little do they know that they aren't receiving the full benefits of ketosis because they aren't getting all of the vitamins and minerals that you get from fruits and vegetables.

I knew how important it was to incorporate veggies into my ketogenic diet but it was hard
for me to consume enough to fulfill my micronutrient needs.

Luckily I found out about Perfect Keto’s Greens Powder After looking at the ingredients,
I knew it was exactly what my ketogenic diet was missing.

Now that I use it in my daily routine, I have never felt better in my life. I can enjoy my bulletproof coffee,
bacon, and fat bombs while still maintaining optimal levels of vitamins and minerals.

What Is Perfect Keto Greens Powder

You can tell Perfect Keto went above and beyond with Perfect Keto Greens Powder by how intricately
designed their ingredient blend is.

Perfect Keto Greens Powder is perfect for anyone who can’t eat enough vegetables or can’t
consume enough of a variety that they would like while on the ketogenic diet. Most of the nutrient
dense fruits and veggies out there will kick you out of ketosis.

It’s packed with all of the essential vitamins and minerals coming from 26 different organic fruits and
vegetables and even includes MCT oil powder to help kickstart your body into ketosis.

Here are the ingredients included in Perfect Keto Greens Powder

  • Greens and vegetable blend. 4.5 grams of raw organic greens and vegetables coming from
12 different plants that contain all of the phytonutrients and none of the wasteful product.
  • Berry and fruit blend. 4.5 grams of raw organic berries coming from 10 different sources.
  • MCT Powder. 3.5 grams from coconut oil fat to help absorb vitamins, minerals, and plants.
MCT is readily accessible by your brain for energy.
  • Liver support enzymes. These enzymes were included to help you deliver the nutrients without
wasting any of the micronutrients of the product.
  • Digestive enzymes. These were included so your body can break down the plant nutrients more
  • Reishi Mushroom. A powerful compound that helps decrease inflammation, fatigue, skin
problems and anxiety.
Inositol. A naturally occurring ingredient in plants that help nerve conduction, fat breakdown
  • and insulin regulation.

I can personally feel this ingredient blend work synergistically when I take it. Whenever I take it I find
myself feeling like I have an extra pep in my step.

How and When I Use Perfect Keto Greens Powder

You can use Perfect Keto Greens Powder at anytime of day and is as easy as putting it in water and
stirring it up. Micro Greens was designed as a multivitamin that so you can take it whenever it’s
convenient for you.

All you have to do is add it to any 8 to 10 ounce beverage or smoothie of choice.

Here are the most common scenarios for when I like to use them:

  • Before my workout. I like to use a scoop before my workout because it gives me the essential
nutrients along with MCTs for a quick boost in energy while I exercise.
  • Anytime I’m traveling. I always make sure to get a scoop in whenever I’m on a long road trip or
flying. I find myself getting less sick when I’m going on business trips.
  • Whenever I don’t eat enough vegetables. Some days I just can’t bring myself to eat large
amounts of greens. Having the sense of security that I’m still getting all of my essential nutrients gives me peace of mind.

Why Perfect Keto Greens Powder is My Favorite Greens Supplement

on the Market

I chose Perfect Keto Micro Greens because I knew I needed to fill in the gaps of my current
ketogenic diet since I wasn’t consuming enough vegetables. Also, after doing my own research
(and from personal experience), using normal multivitamins wasn’t as effective. A lot of the nutrients
in multivitamins gets excreted through your urine and doesn’t get absorbed.

Here’s why I prefer Micro Greens over everything else on the market:

  • Fills any gaps while going keto. You have to cut most fruits out of your ketogenic diet and
doing so means you won’t be getting all of the micronutrients you used to. Micro Greens will fulfill any
micronutrient deficiency you have while going keto.
  • No fillers included. Perfect Keto thrives on creating a supplement that has zero starch or fiber
  • additives. This means there are zero carbs and all the nutrients are fully absorbed.
  • Increased energy and lowered inflammation. The vegetable blend along with reishi
mushrooms has definitely improved my energy throughout the day and during my workouts.
I also found my joints didn’t ache as much after doing strenuous workouts.   

How to Get Perfect Keto Greens Powder Drink

The complete micronutrient vegetable blend along with MCT oil powder and reishi mushrooms makes
Perfect Keto Micro Greens my absolute favorite greens product on the market.

It isn’t everyday that I try out a greens supplement and actually feel immediate effects. It’s almost as if
I can feel my body absorbing all of the nutrients.

Nowadays, instead of reaching for a second cup of coffee during the midday lull, I will opt for a scoop
of Micro Greens and feel more energized. If you are on the ketogenic diet, you have to give it a try.

I contacted the owner of Perfect Keto and we agreed on a limited time deal on Micro Greens. If you
use the coupon code below, you can get it for a discounted price but the coupon code only has a few
uses left so I’d suggest you get onboard sooner rather than later.

Save 15% on the Perfect Keto Greens Powder - by using coupon code: KETO15

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