Did you just have a baby? Or maybe you have a toddler at home and you just can't find the time to workout and lose that baby weight ? We all know that time is extremely limited when you have a baby (or multiple babies like I do... get ready to see my twin girls here!), but that doesn't mean that we should stop taking care of ourselves. We all want to feel happy, healthy, and strong, not only for ourselves but for our families.

Camilla Luddington ( Jo Wilson from Grey's Anatomy ) is a new mom, and here she is doing some great workout moves that she can do with her new baby whenever she can find a few minutes! You can do the following movements too whenever you find some time. All you need in a little space and happy little one to workout with!

I recommend combining the following 6 movements and doing them as a circuit. Do 10 reps of each exercise, and complete the circuit 2-3 times for an awesome full body workout. Oh yeah, and your baby is probably gonna have an amazing time getting healthy with you! If they are anything like my girls, they will be giggling and squealing the whole time!

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